Wednesday 31 July 2013

How to be greater than even your dreams!

●Success is wen oppurtunity meets preparation

●Favour is wen it is oobvious dat it wont go round nd you are served first

●Pray your future to success

●Whatever your hand findeth to do, do it with all of your heart

●Never be afraid of starting small

●Greatness is not a function if size

●If God finds you faithful with little tinz, He will promote you

●Wen u start small, you must learn to grow into ur dream

●You must have a vision for d future

●Dreamers are always rewarded with riches

●You may not have money bt have a vision

●When it comes late, it comes big

●Acquire life skills

●Never stop learning

●Find a business to do

●Start saving

●Before God gives u a dream or desire, derez always a provision

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