Wednesday 28 August 2013


The meeting between the Federal Goverment and ASUU yeesterday yielded no positive results as the pleas for the striking lecturers to sheathe their swords and go back to work took a rather alarming turn as ASUU Itself pulled out of the NEEDS committee led by Governor Gabriel Suswam of Benue state, dashing hopes of qn end to this war.

In a letter detailing its reasons for withdrawing from the committee, ASUU said that the committee had not made progress on the issues for which it was set up, adding it was not satisfied with the way the N100 billion raised by government to rehabilitate structures in the universities was being managed.Worse still, ASUU in the letter dated August 26 and signed by its National President, Dr. Nasir Isa Fagge, accused the Suswam committee of not being, clear on its plans for managing the funds. It cited the inclusion of a "Project Administration Fund," even as it queried the manner which funds were allocated to universities slated to benefit from government's intervention.The letter stated that, "we have also noted albeit quizzically, that some N1.975 billion was allocated to the 62nd university called Project Admin Cost."We see no justification for allocating an amount more than what is allocated to four universities put together to a bogus Project Admin Cost". The striking lecturers who had earlier announced their withdrawal from negotiations with the government, said that until the activities of the Suswam committee are carried out transparently and its misgivings on the modus operandi of the committee are addressed, ASUU will not return to the committee."In view of the foregoing, ASUU will be unable to continue in the membership of the committee until the issues raised are properly addressed", Fagge stated.

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