Monday 2 September 2013


Samuel Eto'o completed his transferto Chelsea on Thursday afternoon,and quickly sat down with the officialclub website to discuss the move.The three-time Champions Leaguewinner and four-time African Player ofthe Year is looking forward to gettingstarted in west London…

CFC: Welcome to Chelsea, what are your first impressions of being here?

ETO'O: I am very happy to be here but alsoanxious because I want to get playingas soon as possible.It wasn't a hard decision. I saw the qualities Chelsea have, and I was veryhappy with Jose Mourinho before, sowhen the opportunity came, I wasvery happy to take it.

CFC: Have you spoken to the manager,and what did he say to you?

ETO'O: I've spoken to him quite a few times,but what was said is confidential!Have you always been keen on amove to England, after playing inother top leagues?I've had a couple of opportunities tocome to England before, including the first time Jose was here, but itdidn't work out for one reason oranother. Since that time, I have had a career where I have been luckyenough to win a lot of trophies indifferent countries, but one of my lastdreams as a professional is to comeand play in England and see if I canhave the same success as in myprevious clubs. I don't see it as a finalchallenge, but to have a good time,enjoy my football, and have successwith this team.

CFC: Can you see it lasting beyond oneyear if both sides are happy?

ETO'O: This is the thing that leastpreoccupies me. It's something totalk about later, both sides need tobe happy but importantly the clubneeds to be happy with me beforethey even ask my opinion on that.

CFC: You have a fantastic goals scoring record. What can fans expect fromseeing you at Stamford Bridge?

ETO'O: The first thing I need to do is adapt myself as quickly as possible to theteam. I want to try and enjoy thefootball as much as possible and I feelif I am doing that, everybodywatching will enjoy watching me.You've played at Stamford Bridgebefore for both Barcelona and Inter…They were always games between two big clubs. They didn't always finish well, but the most important thing is they were spectacular game every time. The atmosphere was incredible, the fans didn't stopshouting, and coming from Spain,where it is not always like that, it wasa big surprise.

ETO'O: What can you tell us about your experience in Russia, particularlyworking with Guus Hiddink and Willian ?Both playing there and working with Hiddink were some of the best experiences of my long career. If Ihad to relive it again I would gladlydo it again no problem, and I think Willian he is one of the best players inmodern football.Today is the Champions League draw.

CFC: As a multiple winner, you must be excited at that?

ETO'O:. It doesn't matter what teams youare drawn against, big or small, youhave to give them the correct level of respect to achieve the right results.Not many players have won the Champions League playing for threedifferent teams.

CFC: Is that an incentive?

ETO'O: I was also with Madrid when they wonit, so maybe it could be four, if maybewe can do it with Chelsea. To win isthe biggest reason for getting uptomorrow morning. I want to win and win.And finally, you're the latest in a longline of high-profile African players at Chelsea. How much would you like to emulate the achievements of thosewho have gone before you?I know all of them. It's a great honour first of all to know African playershave represented the continent so well here, and thanks to their goodwork previously and now, it is perhaps a reason why Jose thought he could bring me here and have similar success.

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