Thursday 12 December 2013

10 Signs Your Girlfriend Is A Lesbian

If you’re questioning your girlfriends sexuality, here are
10 signs your girlfriend is a lesbian. It should be noted
that many women are “curious” about having a same
sex experience and many women (especially in their
late teens and twenties) experiment with their
sexuality. However, this does not necessarily mean
that your girlfriend is a lesbian.

1. Your girlfriend doesn’t like sex. If your
girlfriend is a lesbian, she probably won’t
enjoy having sex with you. Granted, there are
many other reasons that people don’t enjoy
sex, such as medical conditions and sexual
inexperience. But if your girlfriend just doesn’t
like sex with men, she is probably a lesbian.

2. Your girlfriend has had very few
relationships. If your girlfriend is 25 for
example, and you are her first boyfriend, it
could be that she is a lesbian. Ask your
girlfriend about her past relationships. If she
has never had boyfriends it could mean that
she is a lesbian. Of course, it could mean
various other things, but most adults have
relationships in their late teens and early

3. Your girlfriend identifies with gay culture a
little bit too well . It is great if your girlfriend is
an activist for gay rights, but if she becomes
too active, it could be a sign that your
girlfriend is a lesbian. If your girlfriend’s
favorite TV series is “the L Word” and she
wears the American Apparel “legalize gay”
shirts and she spends all of her time at LBTQ
meetings…well you get the idea.

4. Your girlfriend has sleepovers . If your
girlfriend has sleepovers with her girlfriends
and she is not in high school, it could be a
sign that she is a lesbian. Again, there are
always exceptions. If your girlfriend’s best
friend lives out of town or if your girlfriend got
drunk and couldn’t drive home, these are
logical reasons for having a sleepover.

5. She hates getting dressed up . Of course
there are many women who are lesbians who
love getting dressed up and who have a very
“girly” style. It is less common for straight
women to dress in a masculine way (i.e. never
wearing make-up, always wearing baggy
clothing) because typically they are trying to
attract men.

6. Most of her friends are male. People who are
gay often befriend people of the opposite sex.
In many cases people who are gay feel more
comfortable with the opposite sex, as they
feel more comfortable with people they are
not sexually attracted to. If your girlfriend feels
shy and uncomfortable around other women, it
is possible that she is a lesbian

7. Your girlfriend checks out other women .
While most women check out other women,
they are usually comparing themselves with
the other women. If your girlfriend is lusting
after women the same way that you would, it
means something different different. It could
be a sign your girlfriend is a lesbian.

8. Your girlfriend wears sleeveless shirts . This
doesn’t mean tank tops of camisoles. If your
girlfriend is wearing sleeveless shirts, or T-
shirts with the sleeves cut off, it is quite
possible she is a lesbian. While this is
somewhat of a stereotype, it is true that you
just don’t see many straight women in
sleeveless shirts.

9. Your girlfriend’s family is conservative. When
people grow up in homes that don’t accept
homosexuality, they are more likely to try to
have heterosexual partners. People who don’t
feel like they will be accepted have a more
difficult time “coming out.” People who have
been raised to believe that homosexuality is
“bad” will also have a more difficult time
admitting it to themselves.

10. Your girlfriend deletes her Internet history .
Many people who are in the closet “test the
waters” with the Internet. Maybe your
girlfriend is looking at lesbian porn or
spending time on dating sites. Many
heterosexual women look at lesbian porn as
well, but they don’t generally hide it.

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