Friday 6 December 2013

10 Things You Never Knew About the Male Reproductive organ

Important facts every man should know. It is useful for
Ladies too, you'll never know whom this Knowledge might help.


Fact One: Contrary to populate belief, men can break
their penises! This may seem odd considering the lack of
'bone' (no pun intended) in this area; and it's not at all
easy to do this unless you're an acrobatic sex fiend. But
there is most definitely such a thing as penile fracture.
This occurs when one of the membranes surrounding a
blood-filled penile chamber breaks. It's usually caused by
an awkward bend in the penis, and is excruciating.
Naturally, it needs immediate medical attention otherwise
victims are at risk of scarring, deformity and/or erectile

Fact Two: When it comes to overall fitness, your penis
needs exercise too just to keep it healthy, functioning and
capable of erections. To maintain this, a man needs to
get a rush of blood going to the genital area. However, in
case you're not able to do this in the middle of the day,
fear not, for every night, whether you're dreaming about
an apocalyptic tsunami or Gisele Bundchen, impulses
from a man's brain cause erections in the REM phase of
sleep, giving their member sufficient exercise.

Fact Three: Here's a great reason to quit smoking now
even if you don't care about your lungs or life, in general.
Smoking can shorten your genitalia by as much as a
centimeter! When you think about it scientifically, it makes
sense too. Erections are all about getting blood flow to
the privates, and tobacco stifles bodily circulation, which
in turn would lead to shrinkage .

Fact Four: This one is truly amazing. The foreskin of
circumcised infants can produce 23,000 sq. meters of
skin. This has led to doctors utilizing the same for burn
victims' treatments!
Incidentally, the rate of circumcision isn't as high as you
might have though. Only 30 percent of males worldwide
are circumcised!

Fact Five: Today, we can name any number of creatures
that have a similar genital structure but the oldest known
species with a penis, discovered by scientists, is actually
a hard-shelled sea creature called a Colymosathon
Ecplecticos. Believe it or not, that's actually Greek for
'amazing swimmer with large penis.'

Fact Six: There are two types of penises, known as
'growers' and 'showers.' The former is the kind that
expands and lengthens sufficiently post erection, while the
latter simply appears big all the time but doesn't really
grow too much after an erection! An international Men's
Health survey reported that 79 percent of men have
growers, while only 21 percent have showers.
Either way, don't be too quick to judge everything you
see in the locker room!

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Fact Seven: There's no way to be 100 percent certain
about this, but if we had to take a guess, the penis that's
been enjoyed by the most number of women has to be
that of King Fatefehi of Tonga. It seems the king found a
rather good way of keeping his subjects happy because
he supposedly deflowered 37,800 women between 1770
and 1784--which adds up to about seven virgins a day/

Fact Eight: Apparently, size does matter, even if it's only
for reproductive purposes. If a male's penis is longer, it
generally means they will have better semen
displacement. This was discovered by researchers in New
York who used artificial phalluses to test this out.

Fact Nine: This is probably the best news you'll receive
today! Your genitalia is actually a lot bigger than it looks
as there's more to it than meets the eye. Imagine a tree
and how much of its trunk and roots are below the
ground. Similarly, a significant portion of your penis is
actually inside your body and this can be seen if you ever
get an MRI of the region. PS - It is also shaped like a

Fact Ten: Any woman could have probably told you this,
but no brain power is required for ejaculation! Though
most physical orders come from the brain, in this
particular instance, the order to ejaculate comes from the
spinal cord!

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