Monday 23 December 2013

A Call To Mercy, A Clarion message to You That Lust After The Flesh And Not After The Spirit

My brother and my sister, The time has come for you to think about the subtle and perilous desires of your youth. Where has that fornication taken you?

My sister are you going to abort that baby again for the same man who isn't intending to marry you? My brother, Are you going to sleep with that woman because she offers you temporal financial succour?

Dear  Advance fee fraudster, Are you going to still dupe that man that is dealing with you in the innocency of his heart?

Where has all these gotten you? Only more Pregnancies to abort, more people to decieve and more curses upon your head! But my brothere my sister,  Jesus is offering you a lifeline today. Matt11:28 says "Come unto me oh ye that are heavy laden and I will give thee rest".

Come unto him. Your sins aren't worse than that which I have committed.  Yes! and yet he loves me even the more. He accepts me as a son and talks to me as an heir to salvation.  He is my Shepherd Ps 23:1

He is my Shield and my exceeding great reward Gen 15:1. All he desires is that you Flee youthful lusts and Pursue after Righteousness and the decent life he gives through our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Tim 2:22.

Shun vain talk that add no value to your faith for they will make you evn more and more ungodly 2 Tim 2:16. God bless you as you obey the scriptures and may he guide you in his never ending Mercy and light towards we believers.


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