Wednesday 11 December 2013

Catholics are Religiously Ignorant- Pastor Tunde Bakare

Pastor Tunde Bakare a famous Nigerian Prophetic-Apostolic pastor has decried heresy in white garment churches, lashing them for their hypocrisy and error. The fiery pastor also took time to expose Catholic and Orthodox Churches who canonize dead people. All these were contained in his message titled The Saints of the Most High God, on Sunday 8th December 2013.

Probably referring to the act of canonizing dead faithful by the Catholics, he declared “To make people Saints after they are dead is to participate in religious ignoramus.”

Differentiating between Saints, he said, “There is a distinction between a living Saint and a dead Saint. “Living Saints are living presently in this world or at anytime, while dead Saints are those who lived as Saints before they died. People cannot be made Saints after they are dead,” the man of God reiterated.

Continuing, he said “In the dark ages i.e. between 500 A.D. and 1500 A.D., the Catholic Church banned the use of the word ‘Saint’ for the living. Dead Saints have gone to receive their rewards; let them rest in peace, stop going to their graves to disturb them” Pastor Bakare declared.

He defined Saints as “those whose sins have been washed away by the blood of Jesus; who are born of the Holy Spirit and who have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God’s dear son.

“In this context, it means Saints are sanctified and they are anointed right here and now and they have been set-apart in the race of the world to be Christ-like.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Waow! He mentioned 500AD and 1500 AD, so he gives a damn about history yet he doesn't know who the first Christians were and still are.. Okay, since you don't know, you and Chris Okotie should combine your den you call churches together and take a look at the Catholic parish closest to you. You will know who the first Christians were. HERETICS

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