Wednesday 25 December 2013


Trend Perch Global or TPG as it's better known, has in its bid to further foster bond and enthusiasm in the entertainment scene, appointed Miss Anthonia Ogemdi Ohomele to be its Official Ambassador and "Face of Glamour" on the numerous innovative and exciting products we offer in our tireless effort to bring you the best in entertainment and fashionable trends. Anthonia is a Student and a Model on the cold heights of Ukraine.

An ambitious and one of honourable character and with an entrepreneurial approach to life has satisfied all criteria for the honourable position and hence is hereby bestowed with the greatest honour of further expanding our frontiers to the whole world. This is our dream! Selling Africa to the World is!

Read the Interview with Anthonia below:

TPG: What’s your background in modeling? When and why did you get started? Was it for the glamour? The money? Pure kicks?

ANTHONIA: When I was much younger I did a few pageants in primary school and because I was soo slim, most peole would call me Miss World or Agbani.. so it sort of stuck. Ive always been drawn to dressing up, makeup, and the like, so has never really been about the money, it came up mostly as a hobby, as a medical student I tend to ‘let off some steam’ through modeling. ;)  

TPG: Who are some of your favorite models and designers, and why?

ANTHONIA:  I love Agbani Darego, Tyra Banks, because they are really strong not only beautiful .they really inspire me with their work. Im not too bent on labels  but  Yves saint Laurent’s works are niice..  

TPG: Which fashion magazines, websites, blogs, and catalogs do you visit most often?

ANTHONIA: I watch a lot of fashion tv shows (like ANTM), pageants, and spend time on Google.. here ostly I check out celebrity looks, especially comparing my body constitution with some of them.  

TPG: What’s your fashion mantra?

ANTHONIA:   ‘less is always more, don’t try too hard’  

TPG: How would you describe your style?

ANTHONIA: Consider anything and everything from color to historical eras and more. My style is a lot like my personality, bright, captivating, and sometimes depending on my mood, quite shocking! :D many colors go nicely especially because of my complexion but I looove black, red, and varying shades of nudes  

TPG: Where do you generally shop?

ANTHONIA: Unlike most people who feel pricey exotic malls or clothes stores will give u the best, I mostly put stuff together from ANY shops or boutiques around. Once in a while I shop online *asos is soo awesome*  

TPG: What makes [your city's] fashion unique?

ANTHONIA:Fashion here in Ukraine (crimea) is very versatile.. especially depending largely on whatever season of the year.

TPG: What is fun and rewarding about modeling?

ANTHONIA: The end result – PICTURESS. When they turn out nice, it’s rewarding. That’s the most fun part. Also,checking dIfferent locations, hanging out with other models,friends.. (y)  

TPG: What do you dislike about modeling?

ANTHONIA:  What I dislike most of all is probably striking certain difficult posses for really long.. or having to hold a smile, or smize while the photographer gets a good angle which could take forever. Or when you’re outdoors and the sun keeps bothering you..lool .. but it’s all worth it in the end. J  

TPG:How do you prepare for a photo shoot?

ANTHONIA: Depending on the time allocated for the shoot, I just go about my normal business and when it’s time, freshen up.. get dressed, do my make up and go.. if need be, I take a change of clothes (or 2) that’s it.  

TPG:  What makes a stylish lady or man? Is there a difference?

ANTHONIA: Whether male or female, style should be what you are comfy in,  people may see it as outrageous, or weird, but if you are happy in your space, it doesn’t matter what they think. Remember, it’s YOUR style.  

TPG: How do yo you define a Fashion sense? Smart or Pretty?

ANTHONIA: Could be either! You can pull off either look without giving limbs! It’s all about simple but savvy. Like i said, less is more. All you need is what’s already in your closet.  

TPG: Who are some of your favorite fashion photographers? (They do not have to be famous.)

ANTHONIA: TOMMY! Or Martin.. whichever.. he’s good at what he does and he seems to enjoy it very much :D and I, do take some pretty selfies..!  

TPG: What does fashion mean to you?

ANTHONIA: fashion to me, is a thing of the mind. You think it, question it, and eventually, decide and express it.  

TPG: What distinguishes a good model from a bad one?

ANTHONIA: I don’t think there should be anything like a good model or a bad one. People have their specialties. A runway model would do their thing because it’s their comfort zone, but may not do as well a make up model. Sometimes certain features stand out which make one seem goodin one aspect of modeling but maybe inappropriate in another.    

TPG: Do you do your own hair and make-up?

ANTHONIA: Most times I do my make up myself, once in a while though, a friend would help, same with my hair. I like to play with my natural hair but otherwise, I do braids, or weaves, and yea, I’ve locked my hair into dreads too.  

TPG: What are some of the main differences between runway and photographic modeling?

ANTHONIA: The basics are similar , having to draw the viewers attention but in photography  there’s usually a focal point, which could be the face, eyes, legs, hair, even nails! But in runway, your carriage, most especially kills it. If a model doesn’t carry him or herself with grace, confidence, the entire image that is trying to be created will be ruined..  

TPG: What was the premise for the shoot you did with the photographer? There was a pageant at my university which I went in for, I came in as first runner up at the end, and it was a good good experience.  

TPG: What’s your favorite outfit in this set of photos?

ANTHONIA:  My favorite was the white cotton turtle neck sweater, blue denim-look leggings and gold/black accessories..  

TPG: What’s your favorite outfit from your own closet? Don't you have a personal uniform?

ANTHONIA: I don’t exactly have a fav. Outfit, infact a huge tee, and shorts would be great all year round if I could, but I could easily slip into skinny jeans, chiffons, maxi dresses, leggings.

TPG: Tell us about yourself: Why do you want to work as a model?

ANTHONIA: I'm a Nigerian, from edo state, I’m an extrovert.. I loooove to talk.. also like to cook and listen to music, match movies , I would love to have a carrer as a model because it’s something I have a flair for and believe I can succeed in. not just because I have good statistics, etc., but because, it’s expressive.  

TPG: Tell us about your education? What languages do you speak? Have you attended fashion modeling courses? What courses have you taken?

ANTHONIA: I am Currently studying medicine/ surgery at Crimea State Medical University, Ukraine. I speak fluent English, Igbo, Nigerian pidgin.. and some Russian.  

TPG: What is your nutrition? How often do you go to the gym? Do you practice constantly?

ANTHONIA: Luckily, and thankfully, my body is such that no matter how much I eat, sweets, carbs, milk, whatever, I stay the same size! I’m not a gym person but I love to walk a lot.. and it helps.  

TPG: What do you hope to accomplish in your reign as " The Face of Glamour" For the Trend Perch Global Brand?

ANTHONIA: I hope to conjugate my efforts with Abel and Zuchi who are the brains behind this wonderful establishment and also, I hope to join in selling an Africa full of opportunities to the whole world. I am a truly Nigerian and Proudly African.  It's my dream.

TPG: Thank you for your time Miss Anthonia.  We wish you the very best as you work with us in line with our vision

ANTHONIA: It's my pleasure. You are welcome

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