Tuesday 24 December 2013


Pls Read Carefully!

Dec 25th is a cynical and festive date in the Christian Calendar. This is the day set out to commemorate the immaculate birth of our Saviour and Lord Most Righteous, Jesus Christ.  Thus means this featival is specifically for those qho have purwly and without doubt expressed theri profoud faith in him and in his work.

Tomorrow,  destiniea are going to be aborted, dreams are going to vanish, Gold crowns are going to rust, Countenances will be dishevelled. All these will happen within a space of  24 hours on a day set our to commemorate the birth of Salvation.  Why?

Christmas has been adulterated as being a festival of Love amd Charity in the most extreme ways. Firstly,  the only kind of "love" the world understands is Lust! Lust after the flesh and its desires. The unwavering love of God has been misinterpreted and decoded into meaning "Lusts of the flesh and sinful desires". Are you with me? Hence the people of the world celebrate "Lusts of the flesh and sinful desires". Is this the essence of Salvation?  To lure us into sin and destroy our hopes of Glory in Christ Jesus?  NO! These are the devices of the wicked. To misinform and disillusion the minds of people into following their own fleahy desires. 

Christmas is a day for sober reflection on the death of Christ Jesus in demonstration of God’s unflinching Grace and love for humanity.  You cannot celebrate Christmas without have the "Christ" for whom we gather in "Mass". Don’t get pregnant for that man tomorrow because he is going to buy you an iPhone 5s.

Whatever you do tomorrow can be done any other day. Is it the new clothes? Or the "fun" you are going to catch? Or  the Fried rice and Chicken you will eat? All are vanity!  Do not think of your life here on earth,  think of your eternity! Matt 6:19 Where will you spend it? If Jesus decides to come on his birthday, will he be happy to see you on top of that lady you plan having Sex with tomorrow? Will he be happy if he finds you atthe beer parlour sitting with scorners?

Reflect on your life. Is it pleasing to God? Rom 12:1Are you living in God's divine purpose for your life? Are you qualified to celebrate Christmas?  Please Repent oh ye sinner! I love you so much to see you waste in hell. Turn to the Lord oh ye Scorner. Return to his purpose for you oh ye backslider. Seek his face and escape his wrath oh ye backbitter.

Think about this and if you are convinced he will be happy seeing your actions tomorrow, you are free to move ahead. God be with us all till the End. For the just shall live by faith.

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