Tuesday 17 December 2013

Suntai is fit to resume duties- Boni Haruna, Ex-Adamawa Governor

Immediate past governor of Adamawa State, Mr. Boni Haruna has declared recuperating Governor of Taraba State, Danbaba Danfulani Suntai, as fit to resume his constitutional duties as the executive governor of the state.

Mr. Haruna, accompanied by his wife on a visit to Suntai at Government House, Jalingo, where they spent several hours with the recuperating governor, said the most important thing is that Suntai is surrounded by capable hands, including his deputy, Alhaji Garba Umar, who can complement his efforts.

The former Adamawa governor was clad in his trademark ash-colored Safari suit while Suntai was dressed in a cream-colored traditional gown and trousers also known as ‘baban-riga’.

From the governor’s expansive living room, the two men went to sit outside in white plastic chairs where they held discussions for several hours.

Most of the talk centered on Suntai’s air crash and the political impasse in Taraba State.

Present were their aides and reporters, who later interviewed the former Adamawa governor.

Haruna warned politicians, particularly the Taraba State House of Assembly members to stop playing to the gallery by politicizing Suntai’s health.

“Governor Suntai is fit to take charge now,” stated Haruna, who expressed surprise at why some overzealous persons in the state have continued to play politics with the governor’s health, thereby denying him the right to resume office.

Haruna said he was unhappy with the way and manner the Taraba lawmakers were handling the political crisis which erupted when Suntai returned from a 10-month medical sojourn abroad following injuries he sustained when an aircraft he piloted crashed near Yola, Adamawa state capital in October 2012.

He said the crisis in Taraba were issues of “morality and the constitution”.

“It is not my intention to dabble into the affairs of Taraba, but as a leader I have a responsibility to do so.

“The issue of health or ill-health is not in the control of anybody, it is with God and anybody could be involved in an accident.

“The constitution does not give a time frame within which if you don’t recover, you should be removed from office. And in his case, Suntai has recovered”, he declared.

Information Nigeria recalled that the Taraba State House of Assembly declared Suntai medically unfit to resume duties as executive governor and advised him to return to the U.S to continue his treatment while his deputy, Umar, continues in acting capacity until such a time that he is fully fit to take charge of affairs of the state.

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