Tuesday 4 February 2014

MUST READ: Just Before you find that that spouse!

Here is something everyone should do before trying to find “the one.”

1) He/She must want kids.

2) He/She must go to church.

3) He/She must want to work in full-time ministry.

4) He/She must love the movie, “The Notebook.”

5) He/She must love taking long walks on the beach.

6) He/She must be a vegetarian.

Sound Familiar?

A list of “non-negotiables” is pretty common for any individual looking for a future spouse. Are they wrong? No. But are they your answer to finding the one? Nope. Not even close.

Having an idea of what you are looking for in a significant other is great! It means you actually took time be honest with what you are really looking for in a relationship. But if I am really honest with you, I think there is something more important than a list of non-negotiables.

Can you guess what it is? It’s who YOU are called to be first.

Focus on becoming the right person before looking for the right person. Everybody wants to find their future husband or wife, but what everyone needs to understand is the importance of first being set in your personal identity. If not, your relationship might turn into a relationshipwreck.

God is more focused on who you’re becoming than he is who you need to be with. Turn the focus on your own heart before trying to gain the love of someone else’s.

If you are yearning to get married, he or she will come when the time is right. Don’t let your impatience ruin your inner-transformation. Putting God first is always the way to go. He will never stray you wrong.

Psalm 105:4 – Seek the Lord, and his strength: seek his face evermore.

Courtesy: Jarrid Wilson

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