Friday 7 March 2014


20 Things you Should
Have Done Before Clocking 30.
All things being equal, both man and woman let's roll.

1. Before age 30 you should
discover yourself. This means you
should have a good understanding of
what your strength and weaknesses are.
Having done this, maybe it's time to
focus on your areas of strength and that
brings us to point number 2.

2. Before age 30 you should be able
to define your general purpose of
living. As sad as it may sound, a lot of
youths don't even know why they are
living, they are just existing. Your
purpose defines YOU and there is no YOU
without a purpose.

3. You should learn how to say NO
and stand by it. Before now, I use to
greatly despise those that will say NO to
a request without changing their mind
but the truth is, your ability to say NO
and stand by it portrays you as a well
principled and disciplined human.
However, if you must say NO then you
must be very sure that you won't regret
the response in future.

4. People should be able to identify
you with at least one profession.
There is no general star anywhere. You
can't be a star footballer, a star
swimmer, a star musician, a star actor,
etc. It's either you are a star in one field
or you will never shine.

5. You should have a true
understanding of what love/
relationship means. Before 30 you
should know what the word LOVE means.
When someone says "I love you," does
he/she means "I like you, I want to have
sex with you," or what? Many break ups
and "marriage crashes" today can be
attributed to a poor understanding of the
meaning of love.

6. For guys, you should be able to
woo any girl you truly love and
start planning for marriage. (DONT
seem awkward but there are many guys
who "fear" women. At times I wonder if
ladies do change to beasts when guys
approach them. Anyway, I know some
ladies can be rude at times but before
age 30 you need to know how to calm
them down and present your case.

7. Before age 30 you should learn
how to drive a car. Okay, I personally
don't know how to drive a car yet and I
am not yet 30 anyway! But learning how
to drive before 30 will give you the hope
of buying a car soon (that's if you don't
have one already).

8. Before age 30 you must have
read at least 30 books and relevant
literature(s). I really don't expect
many to agree with me on this one but
every born leader is a reader. Yes, I said
30 books and at least 8 should be on
marriage so as to avoid some mistakes in

9. Before age 30 you should have a
vision. I am glad that the Bible is in total
agreement with me on this. "Where
there is no vision the people
perish." (Proverbs 29:18).

10. You should be able to overcome
procrastination. You may have heard
the saying that "procrastination is the
thief of time." If at 30 you still don't have
stability in planning then you are
obviously not ready for success.

11. Before age 30 you should have a
bank account (more than one
accounts will be fine). Oh yes! gone
are those good days when banks give us
some interest for keeping our money
with them but I think spending all the
money as they come will not benefit you
either. So why waste?

12. You should have hopes of
making heaven before you are 30. I
see no need for explanation here.

13. You should be able to feed at
least one person and yourself
before you are 30. Doing so will give
us the light that you are a problem
solver and not a liability.

14. You should learn modern table
manners before 30. Just imagine that
you were invited to dine with President
Obama (maybe I went too far), of course
we don't expect you to go there and
embarrass this country you know!

15. You should have a mentor
before 30.

16. For Christians, you should have
a favorite pastor whom you always
listen to. For Muslims, vice versa.
For "juju men," no comments

17. You should have something that
generates a steady income before

30. Money is very important so if at 30
you don't have something that brings in
the cash, hmmm! You can predict my
next statement.

18. Your parents should start
reaping your fruits before you are

30. Buy them clothes, pay their bills,
contribute to their feeding and let them
bless you. That's how to fly!

19, Buy at least one plot of land
before 30. It doesn't really matter
whether the land is in a bushy area or
not. A land is one thing that doesn't

20. Learn to save and be
responsible before 30. This point is
somewhat linked to number 11 so read
that again.


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