Monday 10 November 2014

TOUCHING! Read 2face Idibia's touching tribute to his late dad amidst sobs

Afro pop star, Tuface Idibia recently laid his late
father to rest in his home town in Benue state.

The singer of ‘African Queen’ famed whilst
rendering a tribute stated he was certain his
father is now resting in the bosom of the Lord.

In his own words, “My father, the most humble
and kindest I have ever met. My dad was such a
gentleman, it was unbelievable. I can go on
about my dad and I will still not have enough to
describe how peaceful he was. He fought till the
end but God knows the best. To put things plain
and simple, my father was a good man and my
consolation is knowing that he is definitely in
heaven where we hope to meet him one day.
Mummy and all of us will miss you dearly”, he
said amid sobs and tears.”

Wife to the deceased, Mrs. Rose Idibia said the
demise of her husband still looked like a dream
to her. According to her, “In this bitter season of
darkness, I am lost in transition. I wish this
dream of your depature from my life will not be
true but Gos cannot lie for he stated it in the
holy book that the there is time for everything.”

The low-key burial ceremony saw the
attendance of only family and friends as no
showbiz personality showed up for the burial

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