Friday 10 April 2015

FROM MY DESK: Thoughts of the day

On Time,

When people claim to have no time for their lives or responsibilities, I wonder what they do with 86400 seconds daily. Priority oversees time.

On personal satisfaction,

Never settle, what you deserve is a direct proportion of your self value

On self assessment,

The Word of God is like a mirror. If you look into it and don't like the image you see. Get a makeover with Jesus

On Purpose,

Purposeful people have a sense of value and precision. Destiny gives you a sense of hope

On the Church,

The church is getting smaller because the world is getting bigger.

On Personal development,

Your goals, aspirations and dreams are nothing compared with purpose. There's a difference between the image and the real thing

Excerpts from "The Tenacity of Truth" -  A soon to be published book by Agagwu Tochukwu

-Agagwu Tochukwu
Writer and Blogger

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