Tuesday, 23 June 2015


In my study of the habits and attitudes of highly effective people in 2015, I found out that each of them avoided the comfort zone. This is the major distinguishing factor between highly effective and less effective people. Highly effective people believe they are “constant improvements”. Less effective individuals are “passive improvements”. Highly effective people constantly search out diligently, ways and methods by which they can be “additives” to the process of advancements in their lives, families, societies and organizations. In Napoleon Hill’s famous book “Think and Grow Rich”, he wrote that one of the characteristics of the most successful men and women in America is that they always look for the opportunity or benefit within every obstacle or setback. In a well researched study on why people seem to postpone a business meeting or a rendezvous with a client, I found out the major force at play here was the placement of priorities. People will bank more on a priority that assures them of an enormous reward of fulfillment on investment of energy, time and resources. 



Complacent people never get the best out of life because they never get the best out of their situation. They always fail to prioritize their goals appropriately.
To get out of your complacency zone, try the following:
·        Know what you really deserve
·        Decipher your wants
·        Avoid procrastination like a plague
·        Examine your current situation and improve on the shortfalls in your career, family or personal life.
·        Prioritize your Goals above incidents.
·        Determine to follow up on your rearranged priorities
Have some climbing faith. Change isn’t always easy. It’s getting yourself out of a system that’s gradually eroding your life into one that will most definitely benefit it. The transition isn’t always a piece of cake!

“Through desire, a man having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom” Prov 18:1
The first step in knowing what you truly deserve is a strong and passionate conviction to truly  discover yourself- your strengths, passion and weaknesses. Discovering yourself gives you a sense of precision, focus and dynamism. You begin to have a renewed sense of something to live for; a strong dynamism and resolute resiliency to champion the cause of a beautiful life.

The second step is separating yourself from the cloud of undermining, negated thoughts and the atmosphere of mediocrity. The bulk of problems human beings face today are as a result of what I term the “consequential influence syndrome”-a massive buildup of problems stemming from the consequences of negative influences.
People with CIS often believe they do not deserve anything from life because all they have been told are things they cannot do! This has effected a terminal resistance in the ability of their minds to accept the positive and access the imperative.


While it is extensively true that most of our wants aren’t exactly as pressing as our dire needs, the achievement or fulfillment of our wants are capable of bringing us a certain degree of personal satisfaction and happiness.
To decipher your wants, you need to navigate out of the fog of your mind. This fog exists because you have never ventured beyond your current status- financially, spiritually et al. This fog consists primarily of fear and doubt elements. You cannot successfully decipher a situation beclouded with fear and doubts. The mind is a like a susceptible virgin that takes in all its fed without a filter! The onus then rests on you to keep and save the mind from being raped by the forces that try to limit human ability by regulating the quality of thoughts you allow to bud in your mind.
You are also going to have to tell yourself some serious truths. These truths are going to be answers to questions bordering around your happiness. Questions like what am I willing to go the extra mile for? Are they impactful and inspiring? Can I sustain a readily active thought pattern centered about them?

Wisdom teacher, Mike Murdock once said “you have no right to anything you have not pursued”. The momentum we build on the different ventures that border on our happiness and satisfaction should center on the viability of their achievement in our minds first. If you can’t conquer your mind to believe it, your mind will conquer you into conceding it!

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