Friday 20 December 2013

MUST READ: The atmosphere in the realm of the Supernatural

My brother/Sister reading this, I want to share with you an important secret many of us are yet to know if not all.

Mark my words. These have been seen in the Spirit by an authourity and hence I speak.

Demons have been released enormously recently upon the surface of the earth to destroy pathetically any unsaved soul... Yes! It's true and I am not bluffing.

Demons of lust, fear, maliciousness, envy, sexual immorality, depression, dark spirits from hell, conjurers, deceit, anger etc have been released by the devil because he has little time to finish his wicked mission. The Lord of Hosts is coming very very very soon.  I am emphasising it because your soul is too priceless to burn in the fire fueled by God's wrath.

I will prove my point why you must repent now and to you who have repented, why you must be steadfast in the Lord

Many nations have legalised same sex marraiges with elaborate ceremonies to herald such sacrilegious acts

Ladies now sell their Virginities for money. A sin against your own body and a sin against God

Christians have grown cold in worship and many have deviated from the call and have toed the path of destruction

The Illuminati concept of things

The blindness and deafness of Christians to the voice and signs of the Endtime

Wars, strife, deceit,  envy, famine, theft, sexual immorality,  lovers of money and haters of God, crisis

Wrong doctrines (2Tim 4:3-4)

But I say to you believers, whi are strengthened through the renewing of your mind; The new mind in Christ Jesus, Be steadfast,  oray for your brothers. Oray for the advancement of the Gospel.  Consecrate yourselves (1 Cor 3:16)
Meditate on the Gospel (Jos 1:8) Be of good cheer for the crown of righteousness awaits the ones who abide in his righteousness

Jehovah Tsidkenu- The Lord my Righteousness

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