Wednesday 18 December 2013


Youth in Ondo State, under the aegis of Patriotic Advocacy Group [PAG] has threatened to embark on a street rally to protest the non inclusion of Ondo State indigene in the Executive Position of the newly constituted board of the Niger Delta Development Commission [NDDC].

The group, after an emergency meeting held at Igbokoda, headquarters of Ilaje Local Government Area, described the development as “undue marginalization” by President Goodluck Jonathan.

Speaking with DailyPost on behalf of PAG ,its Director of Media and
Publicity, Desmond Iwajomo decried the non-inclusion of Ondo State indigene in the executive management position of the newly constituted board as stipulated in the NDDC Act.

He said “the non-inclusion of Ondo State is totally unacceptable and it is another ploy by Jonathan and his cohorts to further foster his agenda of excluding the South West from his government and marginalizing the people of Ondo State from being represented at any Executive position of NDDC Board”.

The group demanded to know from why Ondo State that is the fifth largest Oil Producing State in Nigeria and the only SouthWest Oil Producing State was denied the opportunity of becoming the Managing Director or the Executive Director Projects [EDP] in the NDDC when it was supposed to be their turn.

“Ondo State has been sidelined in the scheme of things, including projects that are categorized as regional’s for the past 10 years. The NDDC as an intervention agency has not been very inactive and has not lived up to its statutory duties which include provision of potable water, road construction, land reclamation, environmental protection and so on” The statement stressed.

PAG said all the appeals by the people of the State to President Jonathan to help find a lasting solution to the level of poverty and environmental degradation in Oil rich communities of Ondo State fell on deaf ears.

The group passed a vote of no confidence on the Jonathan led administration, which they described as an anti-people government worse than the Abacha led military Junta.

They also advocated for adequate representation in all public offices and elective positions so as to ensure that the interest of their people are constantly promoted in government.

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